Difference between a $200 gi and a $109 All Around gi
To understand something completely, we need to break it down to it's fundamental parts.
We'll approach this from first principles.
What makes a great gi?
It boils down to 3 Fs.
Fabric: What is it made of?
Fabrication: How is it made?
Fitting: How does it fit?
Origins of Fabric
Fabric Weight
Fabric Weave
You end up with the best of both worlds: low shrinkage + still IBJJF legal.
This is one of the core things to look out for when you are getting your gi.
Apart from the fabric quality we have written about above, if the gi doesn't fit you properly, then it defeats it purpose.
Quite literally.
Other brands can't tackle this because of two reasons:
1. To cater for different body types, they will have to offer a huge variety of sizes. They can't do this to a complete extent because that would mean excess inventory for them (if they actually do offer those speciual sizes)
2. There are still a lot of cases where a practitioner still might not fall in the bucket that those companies offer. And because you don't have ownership of the production process, you can't offer individualised solutions to this problem.
But if you take a look at any of our pieces, you'll see this:
Almost any size imaginable.
But we didn't stop there.
We know that even then you might be between sizes.
Or might want more space in your hips and thighs.
Or might like your trousers highwaisted.
Or might prefer a more slimmer cut.
Whatever that is, for all you people, we even rolled out a custom sizing program.
This gives you the option and the freedom to tweak any detail you want and build out your dream gi.